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... posted on Dec 08 2003, 879 reads


Live the Questions Now
... posted on Dec 07 2003, 953 reads


Shoe Shiner's Journey
As an impoverished, illiterate shoe-shine boy on the streets of Sao Paulo, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva's job was to polish battered shoes and make them appear shiny and new. After winning the presidency in 2002 by the biggest margin in Brazil's history, Lula came closer to realizing his life long mission -- a day when everyone in the world's fifth largest nation can eat three times a day. A former ... posted on Dec 06 2003, 948 reads


Power of Genius
Matt Savage launched his jazz career by attempting to improve a Schubert sonata. His piano teacher told him that the G-sharp he just played was supposed to be a G-natural. "It sounds better my way," he protested. She replied that only when he wrote his own music could he take liberties with a score. Keen on taking liberties, he became a jazz composer. He released his fifth album this year, making ... posted on Dec 05 2003, 1,354 reads


Creatives at Work
The number of people doing creative work has exploded to 30% of the workforce; creative sector workers today outnumber blue collar workers and the creative sector of the economy accounts for nearly half of all wage and salary income--$1.7 trillion dollars per year. The American Dream is no longer just about money. Better pay, a nice house, and a rising standard of living will always be attractive... posted on Dec 04 2003, 1,525 reads


Hundred Acres of Land
One hundred acres of land can produce enough beef to feed twenty people, or enough wheat to feed 240 people.... posted on Dec 03 2003, 734 reads


Unusual Surrender
In Africa, where ethnic wars in Rwanda and the Congo have killed millions of people, a top Hutu rebel military commander suddenly turned himself in with several colleagues at an airport in Kigali. Emerging from the Congo jungle bases where they battled the Rwandan government for years, the leader of the Democratic Liberation Forces said, "We have decided to put down guns. War is not the best solut... posted on Dec 02 2003, 860 reads


Flowers or Weeds
... posted on Dec 01 2003, 648 reads


A Giving Life
... posted on Nov 30 2003, 763 reads


Riding The Waves
In late October, a 13 year old lost her arm to a shark bite while surfing in Hawaii. Eye witnesses say she never screamed or panicked, although she lost more than half her blood and all but four inches of her arm. "There's no need for that," she told the press three weeks later. Bethany Hamilton was a top amateur surfer who was expected to turn pro; now, she may never be able to compete again b... posted on Nov 29 2003, 1,673 reads


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Most of our assumptions have outlived their uselessness.
Marshall McLuhan

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